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Blog Index
Tools we use - 2024 edition
Tools we use - 2023 edition
Resolving SVN error "Could not open the requested SVN filesystem"
Tools we use - 2022 edition
Painting the borders of a custom control using WM_NCPAINT
Tools we use - 2021 edition
Cyotek Historical Date Library
Tools we use - 2020 edition
Creating a custom single-axis scrolling control in WinForms
kbd Markdig Plugin
Initial thoughts on the Cooler Master Pi Case 40
An introduction to using Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) via C#
Simulating Bacterial Chemotaxis
Cyotek.Drawing.BitmapFont Version 2 Released
Initial thoughts on the Adafruit I2S 3W Stereo Speaker Bonnet for Raspberry Pi
Committing to a Git repository using custom dates
Adding Scripting to .NET Applications
Writing DOOM WAD files
Decoding DOOM Picture Files
Reading DOOM WAD Files
A review of the Argon ONE Raspberry Pi 4 Case
Installing Mopidy and pHAT Beat on a Raspberry Pi
Tools we use - 2019 edition
Resolving compile error "Interop type cannot be embedded. Use the applicable interface instead"
CanoScan LiDE 100 Windows 10 and Windows 11 Compatibility
Book Review: The Ray Tracer Challenge
Error VSP1048 when trying to instrument assembly created using Visual Studio 2019
Creating a custom type converter part 3: Types to string
Setting tab stops in a Windows Forms TextBox control
Changes to CrashPlan for Small Business that may affect developer backups
Creating an ndrules file for use with NDepend
Migrating from Azure translation API version 2 to 3
Handling the orientation EXIF tag in images using C#
Frustrations of third party software
New option in Visual Studio 2019 keeps console window open after debugging
Reading cookies from Internet Explorer
Using message filters in Windows Forms applications
Tools we use - 2018 edition
Checking if your Windows Forms applications are ready for .NET Core 3.0
Upgrading a SVN repository using VisualSVN Server
Working with CorelDRAW Palettes part 2, writing .pal files
Working with CorelDRAW Palettes part 1, reading .pal files
Converting colours between RGB and CMYK in C#
Displaying text in an empty ListBox
Using the MantisBT REST API when hosted on IIS
Updating AssemblyInfo.cs version information via batch file
Tools we use - 2017 edition
Reading and writing 18-bit RGB VGA Palette (pal) files with C#
Redirecting to HTTPS when using IIS behind a load balancer
Installing the URL Rewrite module into Internet Information Services
Upload data to blob storage with Azure Functions
Arranging items radially around a central point using C#
Painting animated images using C#
Book Review: The C# Helper Top 100
Getting a window rectangle without the drop shadow
Capturing screenshots using C# and p/invoke
Writing custom Markdig extensions
Announcing MantisSharp, a .NET client for using the MantisBT REST API
Restoring missing Authorization header when using PHP with Apache
Translating text with Azure cognitive services
Using custom type converters with C# and YamlDotNet, part 2
Using custom type converters with C# and YamlDotNet, part 1
Writing Microsoft RIFF Palette (pal) files with C#
Loading Microsoft RIFF Palette (pal) files with C#
Integrating NDepend with Jenkins Freestyle Jobs
Adjusting the Jenkins Content Security Policy
Integrating NDepend with Jenkins
Using parameters with Jenkins pipeline builds
Using a Jenkins Pipeline to build and publish Nuget packages
Finding nearest colors using Euclidean distance
StartSSL code signing certificates are crippled
Tools we use - 2016 edition
FTP Server Easter Eggs
Error "DEP0001 : Unexpected Error: -1988945902" when deploying to Windows Mobile 10
Displaying multi-page tiff files using the ImageBox control and C#
Aligning Windows Forms custom controls to text baselines using C#
Retrieving font and text metrics using C#
Creating and restoring bacpac files without using a GUI
Adding keyboard accelerators and visual cues to a WinForms control
Implementing events more efficiently in .NET applications
SQL Woes - Mismatched parameter types in stored procedures
Generating code using T4 templates
Reading and writing farbfeld images using C#
Tools we use - 2015 edition
Rotating an array using C#
Writing Adobe Swatch Exchange (ase) files using C#
Reading Adobe Swatch Exchange (ase) files using C#
Working around "Cannot use JSX unless the '--jsx' flag is provided." using the TypeScript 1.6 beta
Targeting multiple versions of the .NET Framework from the same project
Working around System.ArgumentException: Only TrueType fonts are supported. This is not a TrueType font
Sending SMS messages with Twilio
A brief look at code analysis with NDepend
Even more algorithms for dithering images using C#
Dithering an image using the Burkes algorithm in C#
Dithering an image using the Floyd‑Steinberg algorithm in C#
An introduction to dithering images
Quick and simple sprite sheet packer source
ColorEcho - adding colour to echoed batch text
Essential Algorithms - A Book Review
Hosting a ColorGrid control in a ToolStrip
Tools we use - 2014 edition
Creating a code signing certificate with StartSSL
Adding Double Click support to the ComboBox control
Dragging items in a ListBox control with visual insertion guides
Dragging items in a ListView control with visual insertion guides
Configuring the emulation mode of an Internet Explorer WebBrowser control
Batch Syntax Highlighting in the DigitalRune Text Editor Control
CircularBuffer - a first-in, first-out collection of objects using a fixed buffer
Add Projects Extension -
ColorPicker Controls Update
Adding drag handles to an ImageBox to allow resizing of selection regions
Writing Photoshop Color Swatch (aco) files using C#
Reading Photoshop Color Swatch (aco) files using C#
Loading the color palette from a BBM/LBM image file using C#
Tools we use - 2013 edition
How to be notified when your application is activated and deactivated
Extending the LabelEdit functionality of a TreeView to include validation
Specifying custom text when using the LabelEdit functionality of a TreeView
Cyotek Add Projects Extension updated for Visual Studio 2013 RTM
Visual Studio Extension for adding multiple projects to a solution
Getting the hWnd of the edit component within a ComboBox control
Downloading new and changed Azure storage blobs at scheduled intervals
Creating long running Windows Forms applications without a start-up form
ImageBox update
Using alternate descriptions for enumeration members
Creating a custom TypeConverter part 2 - Instance descriptors, expandable properties and standard values
Creating a custom TypeConverter part 1 - getting started
ColorPicker Controls Update
ColorPicker Controls for Windows Forms
Dividing up a rectangle based on pairs of points using C#
Creating a custom ErrorProvider component for use with Windows Forms applications
ImageBox and TabList update's - virtual mode, pixel grid, bug fixes and more!
Manually writing the byte order mark (BOM) for an encoding into a stream
Assembly Reference Scanner Sample
Extracting email addresses from Outlook
ImageBox update, version
Zooming to fit a region in a ScrollableControl
Zooming into a fixed point on a ScrollableControl
Creating a multi-paged container control with design time support
Displaying the contents of a PDF file in an ASP.NET application using GhostScript
Arcade explosion generator
Creating an image viewer in C# Part 5: Selecting part of an image
Converting 2D arrays to 1D and accessing as either 2D or 1D
AngelCode bitmap font parsing using C#
Detecting if an application is running as an elevated process, and spawning a new process using elevated permissions
Extending the ImageBox component to display the contents of a PDF file using C#
Convert a PDF into a series of images using C# and GhostScript
Detecting if a given font style exists in C#
CSS Syntax Highlighting in the DigitalRune Text Editor Control
Importing a SourceSafe database into Subversion
Migrating from Visual SourceSafe to Subversion
Enabling shell styles for the ListView and TreeView controls in C#
Creating a WYSIWYG font ComboBox using C#
MVC actions, AcceptVerbs, HEAD requests and 404 errors
Using the XmlReader class with C#
Comparing the properties of two objects via Reflection and C#
Creating a trackback handler using C#
Creating a scrollable and zoomable image viewer in C# Part 4
Creating a scrollable and zoomable image viewer in C# Part 3
Creating a scrollable and zoomable image viewer in C# Part 2
Creating a scrollable and zoomable image viewer in C# Part 1
Adding a horizontal scrollbar to a ComboBox using C#
Boulder Dash Part 2: Collision Detection
Creating a Windows Forms RadioButton that supports the double click event
Boulder Dash Part 1: Implementing Sprite AI
Creating a Windows Forms Label that wraps with C#
Snippet: Mime types and file extensions
Unable to update the EntitySet because it has a DefiningQuery and no element exists in the element to support the current operation.
Converting BBCode into HTML using C#
Using XSLT to display an ASP.net sitemap without using tables
Error 80040154 when trying to use SourceSafe via interop on 64bit Windows
Creating a GroupBox containing an image and a custom display rectangle