In my previous introductory post, I briefly described the
concept of dithering an image. In this article, I will describe
how to dither an image in C# using the Floyd–Steinberg
The Demo Application
For this series of articles, I'll be using the same demo
application, the source of which can be found on GitHib.
There's a few things about the demo I wish to cover before I get
onto the actual topic of dithering.
Algorithms can be a tricky thing to learn about, and so I don't
want the demo to be horribly complicated by including a
additional complex code unrelated to dithering. At the same
time, bitmap operations are expensive, so there is already some
advanced code present.
As I mentioned in my introduction, dithering is part of a
process. For this demo, the process will be converting a 32bit
image into a 1bit image as this is the simplest conversion I can
stick in a demo. This does not mean that the dithering
techniques can only be used to convert an image to black and
white, it is simply to make the demo easier to understand.
I have however broken this rule when it comes to the actual
image processing. The .NET Bitmap object offers SetPixel and
GetPixel methods. You should try and avoid using these as they
will utterly destroy the performance of whatever it is you are
trying to do. The best way of accessing pixel data is to access
it directly using Bitmap.LockBits, pointer manipulation, then
Bitmap.UnlockBits. In this demo, I use this approach to create
a custom array of colours, and while it is very fast, if you
want better performance it is probably better to manipulate
individual bytes via pointers. However, this requires much more
complex code to account for different colour depths and is well
beyond the scope of this demo.
I did a version of the demo program using SetPixel and
GetPixel. Saying it was slow was an understatement. Just
pretend these methods don't exist!
Converting a colour to black or white
In order to convert the image to 2 colours, I scan each pixel
and convert it to grayscale. If the grayscale value is around
50% (127 in .NET's 0 - 255 range), then the transformed pixel
will be black, otherwise it will be white.
This actually creates quite a nice result from our demonstration
image, but results will vary depending on the image.
An example of 1bit conversion via a threshold
Floyd‑Steinberg dithering
The Floyd‑Steinberg algorithm is an error diffusion algorithm,
meaning for each pixel an "error" is generated and then
distributed to four pixels around the surrounding the current
pixel. Each of the four offset pixels has a different weight -
the error is multiplied by the weight, divided by 16 and then
added to the existing value of the offset pixel.
As a picture is definitely worth a thousand words, the diagram
below shows the weights.
How the error of the current pixel is diffused to its neighbours
7 for the pixel to the right of the current pixel
3 for the pixel below and to the left
5 for the pixel below
1 for the pixel below and to the right
Calculating the error
The error calculation in our demonstration program is simple,
although in actuality it's 3 errors, one for the red, green and
blue channels. All we are doing is taking the difference between
the channels transformed value from the original value.
Once we have our error, it's just a case of getting each
neighbouring pixels to adjust, and applying each error the
appropriate channel. The ToByte extension method in the
snippet below simply converts the calculated integer to a byte,
while ensuring it is in the 0-255 range.
As 16 is a power of two, it means we can use bit shifting to
do the division. While this may be slightly less readable if
you aren't hugely familiar with it, it ought to be faster. I
did a quick benchmark test using a sample of 1 million, 10
million and then 100 million random numbers. Using bit
shifting to divide each sample by 16 took roughly two thirds
of the time it took to do the same sets with integer division.
This is probably a useful thing to know when performing
thousands of operations processing an image.
Dithering a single pixel
Here's the code used by the demonstration program to dither a
single source pixel - the ArbColor data representing each
pixel is stored in a one-dimensional array using row-major
ArgbColor offsetPixel;int redError;int greenError;int blueError;int offsetIndex;int index;
index = y * width + x;
redError = originalPixel.R - transformedPixel.R;
greenError = originalPixel.G - transformedPixel.G;
blueError = originalPixel.B - transformedPixel.B;if(x +1< width){// right
offsetIndex = index +1;
offsetPixel = original[offsetIndex];
offsetPixel.R =(offsetPixel.R +((redError *7)>>4)).ToByte();
offsetPixel.G =(offsetPixel.G +((greenError *7)>>4)).ToByte();
offsetPixel.B =(offsetPixel.B +((blueError *7)>>4)).ToByte();
original[offsetIndex]= offsetPixel;}if(y +1< height){if(x -1>0){// left and down
offsetIndex = index + width -1;
offsetPixel = original[offsetIndex];
offsetPixel.R =(offsetPixel.R +((redError *3)>>4)).ToByte();
offsetPixel.G =(offsetPixel.G +((greenError *3)>>4)).ToByte();
offsetPixel.B =(offsetPixel.B +((blueError *3)>>4)).ToByte();
original[offsetIndex]= offsetPixel;}// down
offsetIndex = index + width;
offsetPixel = original[offsetIndex];
offsetPixel.R =(offsetPixel.R +((redError *5)>>4)).ToByte();
offsetPixel.G =(offsetPixel.G +((greenError *5)>>4)).ToByte();
offsetPixel.B =(offsetPixel.B +((blueError *5)>>4)).ToByte();
original[offsetIndex]= offsetPixel;if(x +1< width){// right and down
offsetIndex = index + width +1;
offsetPixel = original[offsetIndex];
offsetPixel.R =(offsetPixel.R +((redError *1)>>4)).ToByte();
offsetPixel.G =(offsetPixel.G +((greenError *1)>>4)).ToByte();
offsetPixel.B =(offsetPixel.B +((blueError *1)>>4)).ToByte();
original[offsetIndex]= offsetPixel;}}
Much of the code is duplicated, with a different co-efficient
for the multiplication, and (importantly!) guards to skip pixels
when the current pixel is either the first or last pixel in the
row, or is within the final row.
And the result?
The image below shows our sample image dithered using the
Floyd–Steinberg algorithm. It doesn't look too bad!
The final result - a bitmap transformed with Floyd–Steinberg dithering
By changing the threshold at which colours are converted to
black or white, we can affect the output of the dithering even
if the conversion is to solid black.
A slightly more extreme black and white conversion still dithers fairly well
(Note: The thumbnail hasn't resized well, the actual size
version looks better)
Source Code
The latest source code for this demonstration (which will be
extended over time to include additional algorithms) can be
found at our GitHib page.
The source code from the time this article was created is
available from the link below, however may not be fully up to
Update History
2015-06-06 - First published
2020-11-21 - Updated formatting
2024-08-10 - Corrected the blue and green error values being used in reverse, thanks to Kevin Cahalan for discovering this
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Hey, thanks for the cool post.
I implemented the same code in java but what I become as the result is the same yours after converting to B&W
but I can not achieve the result like you after dithering the picture.
What do I do false?
Please any idea about the situation?
Hey, thanks for the cool post.
I implemented the same code in java but what I become as the result is the same yours after converting to B&W
but I can not achieve the result like you after dithering the picture.
What do I do false?
Please any idea about the situation?
The founder of Cyotek, Richard enjoys creating new blog content for the site. Much more though, he likes to develop programs, and can often found writing reams of code. A long term gamer, he has aspirations in one day creating an epic video game - but until that time comes, he is mostly content with adding new bugs to WebCopy and the other Cyotek products.
Although I should really be working on adding the dithering algorithms into Gif Animator, I thought it would be useful to expand the repertoire of algorithms available for use with such tools. This article briefly mentions the expanded error diffusion algorithms that are now included, and in slightly more detail covers random dithering as well.
In my previous introductory post, I briefly described the concept of dithering an image. In this article, I will describe how to dither an image in C# using the Floyd–Steinberg algorithm.
When you reduce the number of colours in an image, it's often hard to get a 1:1 match, and so typically you can expect to see banding in an image - areas of unbroken solid colours where once multiple similar colours were present. Such banding can often ruin the look of the image, however by using dithering algorithms you can reduce such banding and greatly improve the appearance of the reduced image. This article briefly discusses dithering as a prelude to further articles with actual dithering implementations.
# Kim, Tae-yi
# NImi
# Nimi