Some time ago, I used the Bing Translator API to help create
localization for some of our products. As Microsoft recently
retired the Data Market used to provide this service it was high
time to migrate to the replacement Cognitive Services API hosted
on Azure. This article covers using the basics of Azure
cognitive services to translate text using simple HTTP requests.
Sample project demonstrating the use of the cognitive services API
Getting started
I'm going to assume you've already signed up for the Text
Translation Cognitive Services API. If you haven't, you can find
a step by step guide on the API documentation site. Just as
with the original version, there's a free tier where you can
translate 2 million characters per month.
Once you have created your API service, display the Keys
page and copy one of the keys for use in your application (it
doesn't matter which one you choose).
Manage keys page in the Azure Portal
Remember that these keys should be kept secret. Don't paste
them in screenshots as I have above (unless you regenerated
the key after taking the screenshot!), don't commit them to
public code repositories - treat them as any other password.
"Keep it secret, keep it safe".
Creating a login token
The first thing we need to do generate an authentication token.
We do this by sending a POST request to Microsoft's
authentication API along with a custom
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key header that contains the API key we
copied earlier.
Note: When using the HttpWebRequest object, you must set
the ContentLength to be zero even though we're not actually
setting any body content. If the header isn't present the
authentication server will throw a 411 (Length Required)
HTTP exception.
Assuming we have passed a valid API key, the response body will
contain a token we can use with subsequent requests.
Tokens are only valid for 10 minutes and it is recommended you
renew these after 8 or so minutes. For this reason, I store the
current time so that future requests can compare the stored time
against the current and automatically renew the token if
privatestring _authorizationKey;privatestring _authorizationToken;private DateTime _timestampWhenTokenExpires;privatevoid RefreshToken(){
HttpWebRequest request;if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(_authorizationKey)){thrownew InvalidOperationException("Authorization key not set.");}
request = WebRequest.CreateHttp("");
request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Http.Post;
request.Headers.Add("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", _authorizationKey);
request.ContentLength =0;// Must be set to avoid 411 responseusing(HttpWebResponse response =(HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse()){
_authorizationToken =this.GetResponseString(response);
_timestampWhenTokenExpires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(8);}}
Using the token
For all subsequent requests in this article, we'll be sending
the token with the request. This is done via the Authorization
header which needs to be set with the string Bearer <TOKEN>.
Getting available languages
The translation API can translate a reasonable range of
languages (including for some reason Klingon), but it can't
translate all languages. Therefore, if you're building a
solution that uses the translation API it's probably a good idea
to find out what languages are available. This can be done by
calling the GetLanguagesForTranslate service method.
Rather annoyingly the translation API doesn't use
straightforward JSON objects but instead the ancient XML
serialization dialect (it appears to be a WCF service rather
than newer WebAPI) which seems an odd choice in this day and age
of easily consumed JSON services. Still, at least it means I can
create a self contained example project without needing external
First we create the HttpWebRequest object and assign our
Authorization header. Next, we set the value of the Accept
header to be application/xml. The API call actually seems to
ignore this header and always return XML regardless, but at
least if it changes in future to support multiple outputs our
existing code is explicit in what it wants.
The body of the response contains a XML document similar to the
You could parse it yourself, but I usually don't like the
overhead of having to work with name-spaced XML documents.
Fortunately, I can just use the DataContractSerializer to
parse it for me.
In order to use the DataContractSerializer class you need to
have a reference to System.Runtime.Serialization in your
The previous section obtains a list of ISO language codes, but
generally you would probably want to present something more
friendly to end-users. We can obtain localized language names
via the GetLanguageNames method.
This time we need to perform a POST, and include a custom body
containing the language codes we wish to retrieve friendly names
for, along with a query string argument that specifies which
language to use for the friendly names.
The body should be XML similar to the following. This is
identical to the output of the GetLanguagesForTranslate call
The response body will be a string array where each element
contains the friendly language name of the matching element from
the request body. The following example is a sample of output
when German (de) friendly names are requested.
Previously we used the DataContractSerializer deserialize the
response body and we can use the same class to serialize the
request body too. We also have to specify the Content-Type of
the data we're transmitting. And of course make sure we include
the locale query string argument in the posted URI.
If you forget to set the Content-Type header then according
to the documentation you'd probably expect it to return
400 (Bad Request). Somewhat curiously, it returns 200 (OK)
with a 500-esque HTML error message in the body. So don't
forget to set the content type!
The final piece of the puzzle is to actually translate a string.
We can do this using the Translate service method, which is a
simple enough method to use - you pass the text, source language
and output language as query string parameters, and the
translation will be returned in the response body as an XML
You can also specify a category for the translation. I believe
this is for use with Microsoft's Translation Hub so as of yet
I haven't tried experimenting with this parameter.
The following example is a the response returned when requesting
a translation of Hello World! from English (en) to German
The request is similar to other examples in this article. The
only point to note is that as the text query string argument
will contain user enterable content, I'm encoding it using
Uri.EscapeDataString to account for any special characters.
The GetLanguagesForTranslate, GetLanguageNames and
Translate API methods above describe the basics of using the
translation services. The service API does offer additional
functionality, such as the ability to translate multiple strings
at once or to return multiple translations for a single string
or even to try and detect the language of a piece of text. These
are for use in more advanced scenarios that what I'm currently
interested in and so I haven't looked further into these
Sample application
The code samples in this article are both overly verbose (lots
of duplicate setup and processing code) and functionally lacking
(no checking of status codes or handling of errors). The
download sample accompanying this article includes a more robust
TranslationClient class that can be easily used to add the
basics of the translation APIs to your own applications.
Note that unlike most of my other articles/samples this one
won't run out the box - the keys seen in the application and
screenshots have been revoked, and you'll need to substitute the
ones you get when you created your service using the Azure
Update History
2017-05-05 - First published
2020-11-22 - Updated formatting
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Another great article. I really enjoyed reading all articles about WInForms, especially about user controls. They helped me a lot in past. This one is about Azure, hopefully You'll add more articles about it in the future.
The founder of Cyotek, Richard enjoys creating new blog content for the site. Much more though, he likes to develop programs, and can often found writing reams of code. A long term gamer, he has aspirations in one day creating an epic video game - but until that time comes, he is mostly content with adding new bugs to WebCopy and the other Cyotek products.
Almost two years ago I wrote a post describing how to translate text using Azure cognitive services, however the API it uses is to be switched off and so I needed to migrate from the version 2 API to version 3. This post describes how I migrated my existing `TranslationClient` class.
Some time ago, I used the Bing Translator API to help create localization for some of our products. As Microsoft recently retired the Data Market used to provide this service it was high time to migrate to the replacement Cognitive Services API hosted on Azure. This article covers using the basics of Azure cognitive services to translate text using simple HTTP requests.
# Tomasz