
Migrating from Azure translation API version 2 to 3

Almost two years ago I wrote a post describing how to translate text using Azure cognitive services, however the API it uses is to be switched off and so I needed to migrate from the version 2 API to version 3. This post describes how I migrated my existing `TranslationClient` class.

Richard Moss

Upload data to blob storage with Azure Functions

How to store data sent to an Azure Function in blob storage.

Richard Moss

Translating text with Azure cognitive services

Some time ago, I used the Bing Translator API to help create localization for some of our products. As Microsoft recently retired the Data Market used to provide this service it was high time to migrate to the replacement Cognitive Services API hosted on Azure. This article covers using the basics of Azure cognitive services to translate text using simple HTTP requests.

Richard Moss

Creating and restoring bacpac files without using a GUI

A short article on using command line tools for backing up databases hosted using Azure's SQL Database SaaS offering, and restoring them onto local SQL Server instances.

Richard Moss

Downloading new and changed Azure storage blobs at scheduled intervals

A sample project which downloads new and changed blobs from Azure storage, and optionally uploads new and changed local files.

Richard Moss