Working with CorelDRAW Palettes part 2, writing .pal files
Continuing my investigation into CorelDRAW palettes, this brief article describes how to write .pal files for use with CorelDRAW! 3.0.
Continuing my investigation into CorelDRAW palettes, this brief article describes how to write .pal files for use with CorelDRAW! 3.0.
I recently picked up a copy of CorelDRAW! 3.0 from eBay. This article covers how to read text-based .PAL colour palettes created by this application.
18-bit RGB palettes are an old format used by VGA displays of yesteryear. These palettes use 6-bits for each of the red, green and blue channels and usually allowed a maximum of 256 colours from the 262,144 unique colours available. This article describes how to read and write 18-bit palette files.
A short follow up which demonstrates how to write a RIFF palette with ease.
At the start of 2014, I published an article describing how to read colour palettes from BBM/LBM files. At the end of that article I noted that Microsoft palette files used a similar format, but I didn't investigate that at the time. Since then I followed up with articles on reading and writing Adobe's Color Swatch and Color Exchange format files and I posted code for working with JASC, Gimp and other palette formats. Now, finally, I decided to complete the collection and present an article on reading Microsoft's palette files.
The second in a two part series showing how to write Adobe Stack Exchange (ase) files using C#
The first of a two part series which describes how to load and save Adobe Swatch Exchange (ase) files using C#. This first article describes the file format, and provides a full example project that will read RGB based swatch files.
The second in a two part series that describes how to load and save Adobe Photoshop colour swatch files using C#. This second article provides a full example project that will write RGB and HSL based swatch files.
The first of a two part series which describes how to load and ultimately save Adobe Photoshop colour swatch files using C#. This first article describes the file format, and provides a full example project that will read RGB based swatch files.
I took a break from arguing with our GIF decoder to take a quick look at the BBM format as I have a few files in that format containing colour palettes I wished to extract. When I looked into this, I found a BBM file is essentially an LBM file without any image data, so I set to work at writing a new palette serializer for reading and writing the palette files. This article describes how to read the palettes from BBM and LBM files.