One of the security features of Jenkins is to send Content
Security Policy (CSP) headers which describes how certain
resources can behave. The default policy blocks pretty much
everything - no JavaScript, inline CSS, or even CSS from
external websites. This can cause problems with content added to
Jenkins via build processes, typically using the HTML Publisher
While turning this policy off completely is not recommended it
can be beneficial to adjust the policy to be less restrictive,
allowing the user of external reports without compromising
Although I described modifying the CSP in an earlier post,
I didn't realise at the time of publishing that the method I
mentioned was only temporarily, and as soon as Jenkins was
restarted, the defaults were reapplied. This post both covers
that original method, and how to do it permanently, serving as a
stand-alone reference.
The hudson.model.DirectoryBrowserSupport.CSP setting
The contents of the CSP headers are defined by the
hudson.model.DirectoryBrowserSupport.CSP setting and supports
a wide range of values - the CSP specification is very flexible
and allows you to control how pretty much any type of resource
is loaded, or what JavaScript features are permitted.
The specific configuration values are beyond the scope of this
post, but you can learn more about CSP settings at a reference
In my own Jenkins instance, in order to get published NDepend
analysis reports working, I ended up using the following policy
which may be a good starting point for similar reports - it
allows the use of JavaScript and line CSS, but leaves everything
else blocked unless referenced directly from the Jenkins origin.
Remember to add double quotes around the CSP value, otherwise
it will not be parsed correctly
A note on order of arguments
There's one important caveat though - the ordering of the
parameters is important. I run Jenkins as a Windows service
(more on that in the next section) and the command line I use
looks similar to the following
Initially I added the new argument to the end of that string,
but this never had any effect - each time Jenkins started the
value was missing. When checking the System Information view
I noted the parameter wasn't listed in the main System
Properties table but was instead appended to the value of
another property - That was the point I
realized ordering mattered and moved the argument to before the
--http argument. After that, the property setting was
correctly applied.
Permanently changing the Content Security Policy when Jenkins is running as a Windows Service
If you run Jenkins as a Windows Service, the command parameters
are read from jenkins.xml, which is located in your main
Jenkins installation. If you open this file in the text editor
of your choice, you should see XML similar to the following
Simply add your new argument to the arguments element (with
the same caveat that parameter ordering is important), save the
file and restart Jenkins.
Note: The contents of the arguments element must be a single
line, if line breaks are present the service will terminate on
Checking the value of the Content Security Policy setting
An easy way to check the CSP policy (regardless of if you set it
via the command line or the Script Console) is to use
Jenkins' System Information view. This view includes a
System Properties table, if a custom CSP is in use, this
will be displayed in the table.
Verifying that the CSP settings have been correctly recognised by Jenkins
Update History
2017-02-03 - First published
2020-11-21 - Updated formatting
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The founder of Cyotek, Richard enjoys creating new blog content for the site. Much more though, he likes to develop programs, and can often found writing reams of code. A long term gamer, he has aspirations in one day creating an epic video game - but until that time comes, he is mostly content with adding new bugs to WebCopy and the other Cyotek products.
One of the security features of Jenkins is to send Content Security Policy (CSP) headers which describes how certain resources can behave. The default policy is extremely restrictive which can cause problems with content added to Jenkins via build processes. This post describes how to either temporarily or permanently change the CSP to be less restrictive.