
Quick and simple sprite sheet packer source

For some time now, I've started moving away from monolithic and complex GUI tools in favour of more streamlined command line interfaces. While Spriter is a fairly competent product in its own right, for some jobs it is just overkill and so this simple tool (with source available) was created.

Richard Moss

ColorEcho - adding colour to echoed batch text

We use batch files for... well, pretty much everything. From simple files that simple optimize modified graphics, to the tendril-like files that build our software. For some time now, I've been using `cecho.exe` from a CodeProject article so that I highlight errors and successes. Sadly this tool doesn't output anything if a console window isn't in use (for example from a CI server) and so I created a quick C# version for a direct replacement.

Richard Moss

Essential Algorithms - A Book Review

This post is a review (or possibly some long winded rambling) of the book [Essential Algorithms: A Practical Approach to Computer Algorithms]( by Rod Stephens and published by Wiley.

Richard Moss

Hosting a ColorGrid control in a ToolStrip

The `ColorGrid` control is a fairly useful control for selecting from a predefined list of colours. However, it can take up quite a bit of screen real estate depending on how many colours it contains. This article describes how you can host a `ColorGrid` in a standard `ToolStrip` control, providing access to both the `ColorGrid` and the `ColorPickerDialog`, with some custom painting to show the active colour on the button to round it off.

Richard Moss

Tools we use - 2014 edition

Following on from [last years](/blog/tools-we-use-2013-edition) post, I'll list again what I'm using and seeing what (if anything) has changed. tl;dr; - it's pretty much the same as last year

Richard Moss